Breaking News: Ningbo Baichen’s Power Wheelchair Earns Prestigious US FDA Certification – 510K No. K232121!

Breaking News: Ningbo Baichen’s Power Wheelchair Earns Prestigious US FDA Certification – 510K No. K232121!

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In a remarkable achievement that underscores Ningbo Baichen Medical Devices Co. Ltd’s commitment to quality and innovation, the company’s power wheelchair has successfully achieved the highly sought-after certification from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This momentous milestone is marked by the award of 510K Number K232121, signifying the product’s compliance with stringent FDA standards.

The Significance of FDA Certification

Obtaining FDA certification is a monumental achievement in the medical device industry, and it demonstrates Ningbo Baichen’s dedication to meeting and exceeding the highest regulatory standards in the United States. The FDA is renowned for its rigorous evaluation process, which ensures that products entering the market are safe and effective for consumers.

Ningbo Baichen’s Commitment to Excellence

Ningbo Baichen Medical Devices Co. Ltd, a leading name in the medical device industry, has consistently placed a strong emphasis on quality, safety, and innovation. This recent certification is a testament to the company’s unwavering commitment to delivering top-tier products to its customers.

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About the carbon fiber electric wheelchair 

Ningbo Baichen’s power wheelchair is a revolutionary mobility solution designed to enhance the lives of individuals with mobility challenges. With cutting-edge technology and ergonomic design, this wheelchair provides not only enhanced mobility but also comfort and ease of use.

The Road Ahead

With FDA certification in hand, Ningbo Baichen Medical Devices Co. Ltd is poised to expand its presence in the United States market and offer its exceptional Motorized Wheelchair to a broader audience. The company remains dedicated to advancing healthcare technology and improving the quality of life for individuals with mobility issues.


Ningbo Baichen Medical Devices Co. Ltd’s achievement in securing FDA certification for its Homecare Mobility Wheelchair is a significant milestone that highlights its commitment to excellence. As they move forward, their dedication to innovation and quality assurance promises continued success in the medical device industry.


power wheelchair


carbon fiber electric wheelchair


Motorized Wheelchair


Homecare Mobility Wheelchair




Post time: Oct-10-2023